Workscape and Robin Comparison 2017-08-16T19:07:43+00:00


Workscape & Robin

A side by side look at conference room scheduling software and iPad display solutions

Both Workscape and Robin are leading conference scheduling solutions. Both integrate with calendar systems (like Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365) and offer an iPad app that enables tablets to be used as conference room displays. If you’re looking to manage your office, you’ll need info on both features and pricing. Here’s a table that compares the most important parts of both platforms.

Workscape Smart Office

Robin Basic
Room Scheduling
 Calendar Syncing
 Google G-Suite Integration
 Office 365 Integration
 Management Console
 Book from Meeting Displays
 Meeting Room Display Tablet App
 Book from Mobile App
 Analytics reporting
 Customized Designs
 Manage by Floors
 Room Amenities
Price $15 per room per month $20 per room per month
Start a Free Trial