Creating a Room from the Display 2017-08-16T19:10:34+00:00

Meeting Room Display

Creating a Room from the Display

Meeting Room Display

Creating a Room from the Display

1. After signing in to the Workscape app, click the “Create a New Room” button from the left hand side of the screen.

meeting room display create room

2. On the next screen, fill in the room’s information and upload a photo of the room. This will be used on the display and the mobile app. The photo should be a minimum of 2048px by 1536px and should not exceed 500kb.

If you do not have a photo of the room yet, you can one of the default illustrations.

meeting room display create too

3. Link the room to a Google Resource. The dropdown list will only show resources that have not been linked to a room yet.

If a Google Resource has not been made for this room, select “Add New”. A new resource will be created with the room name you have entered.

For adding Google Resources using, see How to Create Google Resources

meeting room display create room

4. Save your new bookable space.

*Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the room to become fully synced and bookable.

meeting room display